change error message categories.

also removing some unused messages and code that supports them.
This commit is contained in:
Enno Rehling 2017-01-20 22:39:38 +01:00
parent 0909b0b840
commit 9c69963477
4 changed files with 36 additions and 118 deletions

View File

@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier erschafft ein Traumgebäude."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician creates an illusionary building."</text>
<message name="sp_shapeshift_fail" section="magic">
<message name="sp_shapeshift_fail" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region): 'Ups! Quack, Quack!'"</text>
<text locale="en">"A message from $unit($unit) in $region($region): 'Oops! Croak, Croak!'"</text>
<message name="familiar_farcast" section="magic">
<message name="familiar_farcast" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2412,7 +2412,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann Zauber, die durch $unit($unit) gewirkt werden, nicht zusätzlich in die Ferne richten."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot direct spells that are channeled through $unit($unit) into distant regions."</text>
<message name="familiar_toofar" section="magic">
<message name="familiar_toofar" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2552,13 +2552,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) regeneriert $int($amount) Aura."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) regenerates $int($amount) aura in $region($region)."</text>
<message name="msg_magic" section="magic">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="studycost" section="study">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
@ -2596,13 +2589,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill)."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill)."</text>
<message name="msg_study" section="study">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="sellamount" section="economy">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
@ -2834,13 +2820,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) baut für $int($size) an $ship($ship) weiter."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship)."</text>
<message name="msg_production" section="production">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="firewall_death" section="movement">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
@ -2878,15 +2857,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"reitet", "wandert") von $region($start) nach $region($end).$if($isnull($regions),""," Dabei wurde $trail($regions) durchquert.")"</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"rides", "walks") from $region($start) to $region($end)$if($isnull($regions),""," by way of $trail($regions)")."</text>
<message name="detectoceandir" section="movement">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="direction" type="direction"/>
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt dass im $direction($direction) $terrain($region) ist."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovered that $terrain($region) lies in the $direction($direction)."</text>
<message name="detectocean" section="movement">
<message name="detectocean" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2895,7 +2866,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass $region($region) $localize($terrain) ist."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $localize($terrain)."</text>
<message name="leftship" section="movement">
<message name="leftship" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2903,7 +2874,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ist in dieser Runde gelandet und kann nicht weiter ins Landesinnere nach $region($region) vorstossen."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region)."</text>
<message name="sailnolandingstorm" section="movement">
<message name="sailnolandingstorm" section="errors">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2911,7 +2882,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) kann in letzter Sekunde verhindern, dass das Schiff in $region($region) auf Land aufläuft."</text>
<text locale="en">"At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region)."</text>
<message name="sailnolanding" section="movement">
<message name="sailnolanding" section="errors">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2919,7 +2890,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) konnte in $region($region) nicht einreisen, die Küste ist zu gefährlich für das Schiff."</text>
<text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel."</text>
<message name="sailforbiddendir" section="movement">
<message name="sailforbiddendir" section="errors">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="direction" type="direction"/>
@ -2927,7 +2898,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen."</text>
<text locale="en">"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text>
<message name="sailforbidden" section="movement">
<message name="sailforbidden" section="errors">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2935,7 +2906,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen."</text>
<text locale="en">"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text>
<message name="detectforbiddendir" section="movement">
<message name="detectforbiddendir" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="direction" type="direction"/>
@ -2943,7 +2914,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text>
<message name="detectforbidden" section="movement">
<message name="detectforbidden" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2951,7 +2922,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text>
<message name="sailfail" section="movement">
<message name="sailfail" section="errors">
<arg name="ship" type="ship"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2959,7 +2930,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) konnte $region($region) nicht verlassen."</text>
<text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region)."</text>
<message name="moveblockedbyguard" section="movement">
<message name="moveblockedbyguard" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -2968,35 +2939,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von $unit.dative($guard) aufgehalten."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard)."</text>
<message name="peace_confirm" section="events">
<arg name="enemy" type="faction"/>
<text locale="de">"Wir haben den Krieg mit $faction($faction) beendet."</text>
<text locale="en">"We declared peace with $faction($faction)."</text>
<message name="peace_notify" section="events">
<arg name="enemy" type="faction"/>
<text locale="de">"$faction($faction) hat den Krieg mit uns beendet."</text>
<text locale="en">"$faction($faction) has declared peace with us."</text>
<message name="war_confirm" section="events">
<arg name="enemy" type="faction"/>
<text locale="de">"Wir haben $faction($faction) den Krieg erklärt."</text>
<text locale="en">"We declared war on $faction($faction)."</text>
<message name="war_notify" section="events">
<arg name="enemy" type="faction"/>
<text locale="de">"$faction($faction) hat uns den Krieg erklärt."</text>
<text locale="en">"$faction($faction) has declared war on us."</text>
<message name="regionowned" section="movement">
<message name="regionowned" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -3005,7 +2948,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte nicht von $region($region) nach $region($target) reisen, da der Besitzer der Region es verhinderte."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not travel from $region($region) to $region($target) because the owner denied entrance."</text>
<message name="leavefail" section="movement">
<message name="leavefail" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -3029,7 +2972,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($follower) konnte $unit($unit) nicht folgen."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit)."</text>
<message name="moveblocked" section="movement">
<message name="moveblocked" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="direction" type="direction"/>
@ -3037,7 +2980,7 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass es keinen Weg nach $direction($direction) gibt."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction)."</text>
<message name="fogblock" section="movement">
<message name="fogblock" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -3046,13 +2989,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not travel $direction($direction) from $region($region), the fog was too dense."</text>
<message name="msg_movement" section="movement">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="entrise" section="events">
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -6945,13 +6881,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man benötigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu produzieren."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least $int($minskill) $skill($skill), to produce $resource($product,0)."</text>
<message name="msg_errors" section="errors">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="msg_event" section="events">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
@ -6959,13 +6888,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="msg_economy" section="economy">
<arg name="string" type="string"/>
<text locale="de">"$string"</text>
<text locale="en">"$string"</text>
<message name="give_person" section="economy">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
@ -6997,7 +6919,6 @@
<text locale="de">"$unit($target) erhält $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) von $unit($unit)."</text>
<text locale="en">"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) from $unit($unit)."</text>
<message name="give_person_ocean" section="economy">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
@ -7200,7 +7121,7 @@
<text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away."</text>
<message name="wormhole_requirements" section="events">
<message name="wormhole_requirements" section="errors">
<arg name="unit" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>
@ -7621,7 +7542,7 @@
<text locale="de">"Heer $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) Tote, $int($fled) Geflohene, $int($survived) Überlebende."</text>
<text locale="en">"Army $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) dead, $int($fled) fled, $int($survived) survivors."</text>
<message name="spellfail::nolevel" section="magic">
<message name="spellfail::nolevel" section="errors">
<arg name="mage" type="unit"/>
<arg name="region" type="region"/>

View File

@ -214,29 +214,11 @@ caddmessage(region * r, faction * f, const char *s, msg_t mtype, int level)
switch (mtype) {
m = add_message(&f->msgs, msg_message("msg_economy", "string", s));
assert(0 || !"battle messages must not use addmessage");
case MSG_MOVE:
m = add_message(&f->msgs, msg_message("msg_movement", "string", s));
m = add_message(&f->msgs, msg_message("msg_economy", "string", s));
m = add_message(&f->msgs, msg_message("msg_production", "string", s));
/* Botschaften an REGION oder einzelne PARTEI */
m = msg_message("msg_event", "string", s);

View File

@ -146,9 +146,7 @@ typedef enum { /* Fehler und Meldungen im Report */
} msg_t;

View File

@ -100,9 +100,26 @@ static void test_unicode_utf8_to_ucs(CuTest *tc) {
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, sz);
static void test_unicode_bug2262(CuTest *tc) {
char name[7];
ucs4_t ucs;
size_t sz;
strcpy(name, "utende");
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, unicode_utf8_to_ucs4(&ucs, name, &sz));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, sz);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 'u', ucs);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, unicode_utf8_trim(name));
name[0] = -4; // latin1: &uuml; should fail to decode
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, EILSEQ, unicode_utf8_to_ucs4(&ucs, name, &sz));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, EILSEQ, unicode_utf8_trim(name));
CuSuite *get_unicode_suite(void)
CuSuite *suite = CuSuiteNew();
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_unicode_bug2262);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_unicode_tolower);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_unicode_trim);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_unicode_utf8_to_other);