#!/bin/bash if [ -z $ERESSEA ]; then ERESSEA=`echo $PWD |sed -e 's/\/game.*//'` echo "Assuming that ERESSEA=$ERESSEA" fi if [ ! -f reports.txt ]; then echo "need to run $0 from the report direcory" exit -2 fi PWD=$(pwd) GAME=$(dirname $PWD) TEMPLATE=report-mail.txt if [ "$1" == "-Lde" ] then TEMPLATE=report-mail.de.txt shift fi if [ "$1" == "-Len" ] then TEMPLATE=report-mail.en.txt shift fi if [ -e $GAME/$TEMPLATE ]; then TEMPLATE=$GAME/$TEMPLATE else TEMPLATE=$ERESSEA/server/etc/$TEMPLATE fi if [ ! -e $TEMPLATE ]; then echo "no such email template: $TEMPLATE" exit -3 fi while [ -e /tmp/.stopped ] ; do echo "waiting 2 minutes for lockfile in /tmp/.stopped to clear" sleep 120 done addr=$1 subject=$2 shift 2 mutt -F $ERESSEA/etc/muttrc -s "$subject" -a $* -- $addr < $TEMPLATE if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Sending failed for email/report: $2/$3" fi