#!/bin/sh ERESSEA_DB=memory pkg-config --exists sqlite3 && ERESSEA_DB=sqlite GETOPT=getopt GETOPT_LONG=1 if [ -z "$(luarocks show lunitx)" ] ; then luarocks install lunitx --local fi if [ "Darwin" = "$(uname)" ] ; then if [ -x "/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt" ] ; then GETOPT="/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt" else GETOPT_LONG=0 fi fi if [ $GETOPT_LONG -eq 1 ]; then options=$(${GETOPT} -o d: -l db: -- "$@") else # assume GNU getopt (long arguments) options=$(${GETOPT} d: "$@") fi # Parse command line arguments eval set -- "$options" until [ -z "$1" ] ; do case $1 in -d|--db) ERESSEA_DB=$2 shift ;; --) shift; break;; (-*) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;; (*) break;; esac shift done while [ ! -z "$1" ] ; do if [ "$1" = "--with-db" ] ; then ERESSEA_DB=db elif [ "$1" = "--with-sqlite" ] ; then ERESSEA_DB=sqlite elif [ "$1" = "--with-memory" ] ; then ERESSEA_DB=memory fi shift 1 done git submodule update --init ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) [ -z $BUILD ] && BUILD=Debug [ -z "$CC" ] && [ ! -z `which clang` ] && CC="clang" [ -z "$CC" ] && [ ! -z `which gcc` ] && CC="gcc" [ -z "$CC" ] && [ ! -z `which tcc` ] && CC="tcc" [ -z "$CC" ] && [ ! -z `which cc` ] && CC="cc" MACHINE=`$CC -dumpmachine` [ -z $MACHINE ] && MACHINE=`uname -m` BIN_DIR="$ROOT/build-$MACHINE-$CC-$BUILD" rm -rf $BIN_DIR mkdir -p $BIN_DIR rm -f $BUILD ln -sf $BIN_DIR $BUILD # use anything installed in /opt or /usr LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/opt/lib/$MACHINE:/usr/lib/$MACHINE INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/include:/usr/include PREFIX_PATH=/opt # I like to put stuff in ~/usr if I don't have permission to install packages on the machine: if [ -d $HOME/usr ]; then LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/usr/lib:$HOME/usr/lib/$MACHINE:$LIBRARY_PATH INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/usr/include:$HOME/usr/include/$MACHINE:$INCLUDE_PATH PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/usr:$HOME/usr/local:$PREFIX_PATH fi DEST=$(dirname $ROOT)/server TOLUA_VERSION="5.2" LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/include LUA_DIR=/usr if [ -d /usr/local/include/lua ]; then TOLUA_VERSION="5.2" LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/lua elif [ -d /usr/include/lua5.2 ]; then TOLUA_VERSION="5.2" LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/include/lua5.2 elif [ -d /usr/include/lua5.1 ]; then TOLUA_VERSION="5.1" LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/include/lua5.1 elif [ -d /usr/local/include/lua5.1 ]; then LUA_DIR=/usr/local TOLUA_VERSION="5.1" LUA_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/lua5.1 fi if [ ! -e ${LUA_INCLUDE}/lua.h ]; then echo "no compatible version of lua is installed in $LUA_INCLUDE." exit 1 fi cat >| $BUILD/config.cmake <> $BUILD/config.cmake <