path = 'scripts' if config.install then path = config.install .. '/' .. path package.path = package.path .. ';' .. config.install .. '/lunit/?.lua' --needed to find lunit if not run from eressea root. Needs right [lua] install setting in eressea.ini (point to eressea root from the start folder) end package.path = package.path .. ';' .. path .. '/?.lua;' .. path .. '/?/init.lua' config.rules = 'e2' require 'eressea' require 'eressea.xmlconf' require 'eressea.path' eressea.read_game(get_turn() .. '.dat') ids = {2081501646, 1967748303, 1137, 2000, 1456894557, 1580742069, 1143084084, 285224813, 604912520, 296884068, 50} p=plane.create(50, -7280, -4494, 83, 83, "Regatta") for k,v in ipairs(ids) do p = plane.get(v) print(v, p) p:erase() end eressea.write_game(get_turn() .. '.new') eressea.free_game() eressea.read_game(get_turn() .. '.new') write_reports() eressea.write_game(get_turn() .. '.fix')