local tunnels = {} local buildings = {} local targets = {} local function tunnel_travelers(b) local units = nil for u in b.units do if units==nil then units = {} end units[u] = u end return units end local function get_target(param) local ntargets = table.maxn(targets) if ntargets==0 then return nil end local rn = math.fmod(rng_int(), ntargets) return targets[rn] end local function tunnel_action(b, param) local r = nil if tonumber(param)~=nil then r = get_region_by_id(tonumber(param)) end local units = tunnel_travelers(b) if units~=nil then eressea.log.debug("Tunnel from " .. tostring(b) .. " [" .. param .. "]") for key, u in pairs(units) do local rto = r if r==nil then rto = get_target(param) end if rto~=nil then u.region = rto eressea.log.debug("teleported " .. tostring(u) .. " to " .. tostring(rto)) end end end return 1 -- return 0 to destroy end function tunnels.init() local r, b for r in regions() do if r:get_key('tnnL') then targets[table.maxn(targets)+1] = r if (r:get_flag(0)) then -- target region is chaotic? nope. r:set_flag(0, false) end if (r.terrain=="ocean") then eressea.log.warning("tunnel target at " .. r.x .. "," .. r.y .. " is an ocean, terraforming") r = region.create(r.x, r.y, "plain") end end for b in r.buildings do if b.type == 'portal' then buildings[table.maxn(buildings)+1] = b end end end end function tunnels.update() for i, b in ipairs(buildings) do tunnel_action(b, 'tnnL') end end return tunnels