require "lunit" module("tests.e3.morale", package.seeall, lunit.testcase ) function setup() eressea.free_game() end function test_when_owner_returns_morale_drops_only_2() local r = region.create(0, 0, "plain") assert_equal(1, r.morale) local f1 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u1 = unit.create(f1, r, 1) u1:add_item("money", 10000) local b = building.create(r, "castle") b.size = 50 set_turn(get_turn()+10) f1.lastturn=get_turn() u1.building = b update_owners() r.morale = 6 u1.building = nil process_orders() assert_equal(5, r.morale) -- no owner, fall by 1 u1.building = b update_owners() set_key("test", 42) process_orders() assert_equal(3, r.morale) -- new owner, fall by 2 end function test_morale_alliance() local r = region.create(0, 0, "plain") assert_equal(1, r.morale) local f1 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u1 = unit.create(f1, r, 1) u1:add_item("money", 10000) local f2 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u2 = unit.create(f2, r, 1) u2:add_item("money", 10000) local f3 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u3 = unit.create(f3, r, 1) u3:add_item("money", 10000) local al = alliance.create(42, "Die Antwoord") f1.alliance = al; f2.alliance = al; local b = building.create(r, "castle") b.size = 50 u1.building = b u2.building = b u3.building = b update_owners() r.morale = 6 local function run_a_turn() process_orders() f1.lastturn=get_turn() f2.lastturn=get_turn() f3.lastturn=get_turn() end -- just checking everything's okay after setup. run_a_turn() assert_equal(6, r.morale) -- change owner, new owner is in the same alliance u1.building = nil run_a_turn() assert_equal(4, r.morale) -- change owner, new owner is not in the same alliance u2.building = nil run_a_turn() assert_equal(0, r.morale) end function test_morale_change() local r = region.create(0, 0, "plain") assert_equal(1, r.morale) local f1 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u1 = unit.create(f1, r, 1) u1:add_item("money", 10000) local f2 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u2 = unit.create(f2, r, 1) u2:add_item("money", 10000) local AVG_STEP = 6 local b = building.create(r, "castle") b.size = 10 u1.building = b local function run_a_turn() process_orders() f1.lastturn=get_turn() f2.lastturn=get_turn() end -- reinhardt-regel: nach 2*AVG_STEP ist moral mindestens einmal gestiegen. update_owners() assert_not_equal(r.owner, nil) for i=1,AVG_STEP*2 do run_a_turn() assert_not_equal(r.owner, nil) end assert_not_equal(1, r.morale) -- regel: moral ist nie hoeher als 2 punkte ueber burgen-max. for i=1,AVG_STEP*4 do run_a_turn() end assert_equal(4, r.morale) -- auch mit herrscher faellt moral um 1 pro woche, wenn moral > burgstufe r.morale = 6 run_a_turn() assert_equal(5, r.morale) run_a_turn() assert_equal(4, r.morale) run_a_turn() assert_equal(4, r.morale) -- regel: ohne herrscher fällt die moral jede woche um 1 punkt, bis sie 1 erreicht u1.building = nil update_owners() run_a_turn() assert_equal(3, r.morale) run_a_turn() assert_equal(2, r.morale) run_a_turn() assert_equal(1, r.morale) run_a_turn() assert_equal(1, r.morale) -- ohne herrscher ändert sich auch beschissene Moral nicht: r.morale = 0 run_a_turn() assert_equal(0, r.morale) end function test_morale_old() local r = region.create(0, 0, "plain") assert_equal(1, r.morale) local f1 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u1 = unit.create(f1, r, 1) local f2 = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u2 = unit.create(f2, r, 1) local b = building.create(r, "castle") b.size = 10 u1.building = b u2.building = b update_owners() assert_equal(1, r.morale) r.morale = 5 assert_equal(r.owner, u1.faction) u1:clear_orders() u1:add_order("GIB " .. itoa36( .. " KOMMANDO") process_orders() u1:clear_orders() assert_equal(u2.faction, r.owner) assert_equal(3, r.morale) -- 5-MORALE_TRANSFER for u in r.units do if then u.building = nil end end update_owners() assert_equal(r.owner, u1.faction) assert_equal(0, r.morale) end function test_no_uruk() local f1 = faction.create("", "uruk", "de") assert_equal(f1.race, "orc") end